Addressed to Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy Segolene Royal

Help stop the construction of Ultra High Voltage (THT) overhead lines in the Hautes-Alpes (a department in the French alps).




The  construction of ultra-high voltage (THT) overhead lines in the Haute-Durance valley continues, despite the fact that appeals are still pending, and that reports by the state services describing 442 offences committed by RTE (Réseau de Transport d'Electricité, the French Electricity transmission network) were recently made public. Together with a collective of 82 locally elected councillors, we call for a halt of the worksites, and a re-examination of the project towards what is really good and necessary for the Haute-Durance!

This project, imposed by the Réseau de Transport d'Electricité (RTE) is subject to massive opposition.

Justice Denied  : Whilst appeals are in the procedure of being studied, RTE forces its way through, relying on the slow process of justice in order to to get ahead with its project. This represents a denial of justice, like many other large-scale projects (Notre Dame des Landes, stadium of the Lumières in Lyon ...)

Democracy Denied  : extract of article 3 of the French Constitution: "National sovereignty belongs to the people who exercise it through their representatives and by means of referendum (...)." . 98% of the opinions expressed in the public utility survey were unfavourable, but despite this the project was validated. The Declaration of Public Utility? A JOKE !!!

We need your support to come out of the shadows.

What is RTE's THT project? 
To renew the aging electricity network, RTE, a subsidiary of EDF (Electricité de France), plans to create two new ultra-high voltage lines of 225,000 volts each. 
All the townships and villages situated along the south side of the Ecrins National Park will be hit by the lines, and many emblematic sites on the north shore of Lake Serre-Ponçon will be directly impacted. 
From both environmental and economical points of view, the imposed choice of building the lines overhead instead of underground represents a major attack on the valley. Health risks will ensue.

The aberrations of this project:

Damage to the tourist trade, critical for regional economy. The estimated  losses are enormous.

No frontiers for electrons  : the overvaluation of medium and long term consumption forecasted by RTE leads to questions about the integration of this project into the European energy network (connection to Italy with a possible increase of voltage of up to 400,000 volts).

Fears for the health of people and animals because of the harmfulness of electromagnetic waves. Endangerment of the drinking water supply for the inhabitants and pollution of the aquifer which supply the catchments.

Disruption of ecological balance : harm to the environment. Destruction of protected species, impact on protected areas (Natura 2000 areas, the Ecrins National Park membership area, Unesco Biosphere Reserves, ZNIEFF, EBC ...)

We therefore demand the immediate cessation of the worksites until justice is done.

Thank you all for your support ! Don’t forget to inform your relatives of this mega project that is rapidly progressing ! Together we can and will prevent it!

Find our more here.

"Help" clicks: 
Thank you for helping by SUPPORTING the Avenir Haute-Durance association, constantly  fighting on legal grounds.

Or by DONATING to l'Amicale des Opposants, who support the opponents by doing fieldwork.

President of the French Republic 
Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, 
Chairman of the Ecrins National Park 
President of the Regional Council PACA  
Prefect of the Hautes-Alpes 
All Hautes-Alpes Deputies 
Minister of Equality of Territories and Housing  
Minister of Agriculture, Agri-Food and Forestry 
Minister of Justice, Attorney

This petition will be given to:

Minister for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy Segolene Royal